The Boy Who Fell to Earth by A. Zukowski

The Boy Who Fell to Earth - A. Zukowski
The Boy Who Fell to Earth is an angst-ridden book that tells of the rises and falls of being a drug-addict child who has slipped through the cracks (by his own intention and actions). Sasha has had a very troubled childhood, and he faces the reaper the night he is dumped on Jay's lawn. Although Jay doesn't have a lot, he still has a whole lot more than Sasha. The attraction between these two is instantaneous, and that posed a bit of a problem to me. Whilst Sasha appears a lot older than his years - and rightly so! - Jay seems quite immature by comparison. I know it is a case of opposites attract, but there were instances when I just couldn't quite believe his words or actions.
There is a lot that goes on in this book, and you will be rooting for Jay and Sasha all the way through - even with Jay's immaturity. It is easy to forget the ages of Jay and Sasha, even though they are mentioned frequently. It is almost like your brain doesn't want to admit that this can happen to young adults, and instead tricks you into thinking they are older than they are. The reminders of their ages was always well written, placed somewhere natural, rather than just telling you out of the blue.
I think this book is a marmite book. I think some people will love it, and some will dislike it. As for me, I'm pondering on it. There was a lot that I liked, and a lot that I didn't. None of what I didn't like was a fault of the writing or the author. It was, plain and simple, the darkness of what was happening. I read 'dark' books, but this one is a slice of reality that you can't just ignore as 'another book'.
I would recommend trying this book, although be aware that some of the subjects mentioned may be triggers for some. You will enjoy it, or you won't, but don't miss out on the opportunity of finding out for yourself. I wish Jay and Sasha every happiness because they surely deserve it!
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

