REVIEW BY MERISSA - Chained Hearts (Sentries #3) by Elizabeth Noble

Chained Hearts (Sentries #3) - Elizabeth  Noble

@elizabethnoble1, @TRRtweet, #MM#ScienceFiction#Romance, 4 out of 5 (very good)


CHAINED HEARTS is the third book in the Sentries series, and really, I have no idea how poor Nick gets through each day. He has had so much thrown at him and it's not over yet.

Nick is suffering from PTSD following the attack by the Kelbit. Todd is also suffering with his health but refuses to see a doctor as he is too busy trying to find a way for them to survive and go to ground. They do find a small town where a reprieve awaits them but all good things must come to an end--and it does, for them both.

This was such a great book but I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND you read it as a series or it just won't make sense.

Todd and Nick still manage to get some steamy times in but Nick is put through the wringer once again. I am loving the overall story arc that runs through these books but I can't help but wish they had some time to move that along, rather than be sidetracked by Nick being kidnapped.

The world-building continues to amaze and the characters are just as interesting as ever. Some new ones to like and some to dislike. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which is which.

Thoroughly enjoyed every word and I can't wait for this series to continue. Absolutely recommended by me.
